Free E-safety Guide – Keep Children Safe Online

The online world is a wonderful thing, with learning resources, research, games and more. But with all the great things that the internet gives us, comes lots of risks. So, how do we make sure we do our best to keep children and vulnerable people safe online?

Schools play a vital role in keeping children safe online and promoting internet safety, so what are you doing in your school? If you could be doing more, now’s the time to step up and make the changes to safeguard the children in your school. 

It is becoming increasingly important to Ofsted to see exactly what your school are doing to manage online safety. It’s important to ensure you’re meeting all the requirements and show you are actively making online safety a priority.

A whole school approach can help staff, governors, parents and pupils on your e-safety journey. So ensure you provide the tools to all those involved with the school, to share and spread your online safety message. 

Download our helpful guide with all the important information you need to know to keep children safe online in your school.

Download Our E-Safety Guide Here

Here’s some great website with lots of hints and tips about e-safety for children.

Internet Matters Website      UK Safer Internet Centre

It’s always great to include the  on your website, a great place where children and users can report and access advice.

CEOP Internet Safety

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